What is the impact on sewage treatment system in hot weather?

Today sharing with you the impact of hot weather on sewage treatment systems.

The influence of high temperature weather on sewage treatment has both advantages and disadvantages.

Its advantage is that the increase of environmental temperature will make the overall water temperature of our biochemical treatment rise, thus creating a very good environmental temperature for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, at this time, our common situation is that the growth rate of sludge is too fast, and the reproduction rate of sludge is high. The sludge concentration in the aerobic tank increased relatively quickly. The removal effect of pollutants is relatively good.

However, we should note that too high a sludge concentration will increase the operating load of our overall system, thus making our effluent suspension higher. In this case, we should adjust the discharge frequency and quantity of residual sludge.

At the same time, due to the increase in ambient temperature, the sewage will re-enter the treatment system before, or produce anaerobic reaction at a certain stage of the treatment system. Thus, the pollutants in the sewage can be reduced to a certain extent, that is to say, this situation will make our water relatively easy to deal with.

But too high a temperature can also cause some harm to our overall system.

The main hazards are as follows: 1, because many sewage treatment systems are covered with deodorization measures, which will lead to the accumulation of heat, when the temperature rises to 50 degrees, the aerobic digestion will stop. 2, if the water temperature is too high, then the dissolved oxygen in the water will show a downward trend. Because oxygen doesn't dissolve water easily at high temperatures. 3, high temperature will cause anaerobic or denitrification reaction in the secondary sedimentation tank, resulting in mud turning phenomenon, affecting the precipitation effect of the secondary sedimentation tank. Resulting in excessive suspended water. 4, too high ambient temperature will also lead to some of our sewage treatment system facilities and equipment fatigue, and then appear security risks.

Therefore, when we run the sewage treatment system in high temperature days, we need to monitor the temperature. When the water temperature is higher than 35 ° C, we need to conduct artificial intervention and artificial cooling to prevent high temperature hazards.

In addition, according to our actual operating experience, too high ambient temperature will cause the accelerated hydrolysis of polyacrylamide, which will affect the effect of dosing.