Chemical Wastewater Treatment

Chemical wastewater refers to the wastewater produced in the process of producing products in chemical plants, such as the oily wastewater produced in the production of ethylene, polyethylene, rubber, polyester, methanol, ethylene glycol, oil tank farms, air separation and air compressor stations, etc. After biochemical treatment, it can generally meet the national secondary discharge standard. Due to the shortage of water resources, the water that meets the discharge standard needs to be further treated to meet the recycling requirements of industrial water supply.

1. The composition of chemical wastewater is complex, and the reaction raw materials are often solvent-like substances or compounds with ring structures, which increases the difficulty of wastewater treatment;

2. Wastewater contains a large amount of pollutants, mainly due to the incomplete reaction of raw materials and the use of a large amount of solvents in raw materials or production.

3. There are many toxic and harmful substances, and many organic pollutants in fine chemical wastewater are toxic and harmful to microorganisms;

4. There are many refractory biodegradable substances, low BOD/COD, and poor biodegradability;